Whats goin on folks...I wanted to share with you some of my favorite moments in 2008...The majority of these are music related..but what else would you expect from me...lol
January 2008:
If you remember back. I released my American Gangster Remixes on December 4th of 2007. As soon as I posted it on The Justus League website it got sent out..and ended up in the hands of Kevin Nottingham. His site was just starting to really get popular because he had a whole section of his page dedicated to the remixes people were putting together. I hit him up to say thanks...sent him more music, and he decided to start off the year with a Producer's Spotlight on me. Check it out..and then proceed to the next memory.
February 2008:
I've been on the radio plenty of times here in Columbia, SC. I've been a guest co-host on DJ Prince Ice's show, as well as a regular at WUSC with Mike S and Sunny D..and with Rullete and Speaks on the HipHop Barbershop, but I had my first out of state radio interview on Emillio Spraks's "Dog and Pony Show" on Staten Island College Radio. I remember being nervous at first because he has A LOT...and mean A LOT of listeners. As soon as the interview started I was cool...I'm real calm and cool once the mic/camera is on. J Master set everything up and Emilio took care of me. Thats one of the first stops I'm making when I get to New York so I can thank him..and get interviewed live in the studio. Holler at him on his blog http://emiliosparks.blogspot.com
J Master did it again...He was able to get my Nas remixtape posted on HipHopDx. This was huge for me. I got close to 99percent positive feedback on the project, and I foundout that a lot of my friends are regular readers of the website. I would run into folks on the street that I hadn't seen in awhile and they would tell me they saw the mixtape posted up. Getting it placed on the site also took the download number to over 200,000...yeah.....OVER 200,000.http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/mixtape/id.358/title.nasir-jones-midimarc-the-day-things-got-ill-stillmatic-remixes
Shoutouts to Otis Taylor from the State Newspaper here in South Carolina for doing a writeup. I'm pretty sure my mom brough a bunch of newspapers that day. I remember that Friday I went to a Folk Hop Band show at Headliners and there were people there that recognized me from my logo printed in the article.
BEAT CONDUCTOR:Midi Marc, the Hopkins native who makes suave hip-hop soul beats, has gone the gangster route. He will release a remix version of Jay-Z's "American Gangster," titled "American Beatmaker." (Marc also has a remix of Jay-Z's "The Blueprint""The New Print." called )
Marc's remixes give Jay-Z's tough rhymes a lay-back-and-listen vibe. For instance, on "Success," which features Nas, Jay-Z sneers at those who perceive his reign over. But in Marc's version he sounds like he's out for an afternoon drive. (Just don't beep your horn at him.)
Marc's reconstructions illustrate a beatmaker's importance to a song's mood. (Marc's mashing of "Blue Magic" with En Vogue's "Hold On" makes the former a listenable song.)
Marc is hoping for distribution through FatBeats, but "I'm probably going to bite the bullet and release them myself to Manifest and Sounds Familiar."
Marc has produced original beats for rappers I've mentioned here — KcirE SivaD, Akshun, Fat Rat and Dan Johns. And on his MySpace.com posts, Marc has been offering reduced prices for his beats, some for $50.
"Eight out of 10 MySpace rappers just need a few beats for a mixtape so I give 'em out real cheap over and over again," he said. "I normally charge 100 per."
If you listened to some of the beats, you'd know that $100 is still a bargain. Check them out at www.myspace.com/beatsbymidimarc.
March 2008:
I decided to take a lil break, but without disapearing from the scene..so I launched a series of mixtapes called "All Souled Out". Of course my boy Kevy Kev showed love by posting it on his site.
Posted By MIDIMarc to Diary of A Mad Black Beatmaker at 1/15/2009 06:00:00 PM
Along with it getting some good download numbers online...it was really boomin at the FleaMarket out here. Sunday after church...the old heads would come out there and cop all 4 volumes....Anyone who is gonna visit SC...you've got to come with me to the fleamarket....its an experience
That March I also traveled to San Antonio....the city where I was born. I went out there to hang with some of my good friends Damon, Mike Gathers, and Amy Jones and her kids..and on top of that, I got to meet my family for the first time....the Panamanian side that is. My Uncle Otto, sisters Elizabeth and Giana, and my Grandparents: Alphonso, and Isabel. A real experience especially since there was a lot of spanish spoken...i really need to learn so the next time I go out there I won't be so lost. Here's a pic of me holding my nephew Elijah...he tried to keep my bottom lip as a suvineer.
April 2008:
April saw the release of a great mixtape. You've never seen chemistry like FatRat and Shekeese. The Cold War just flows all the way through. One thing I appreciate of every artist I work with is the fact that each one brings a sound out of me...and vice versa. FatRat has the ability to bring the art out of a producer because he wants you to put your all into the beat, and he repays you when he puts his ALL into the music he records. Each song is very personal, and maybe thats why I like the project so much because collectively its like having a conversation with him. Feel free to download the single produced by me
FatRat da Czar - Like A FatRat - produced by MIDIMarc

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